Page 3 - Reviews - Crystal Star, Fibro Defense, 60 Vegetarian Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Feb 26, 2023
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Rewarded Review

Back in December 2022, I had an ultrasound . I already knew I had multiple fibroids from a previous scan years ago, but I didn't think anythink of it because they were small and were giving me no problems. The scan results showed they had grown significantly. The three main ones measured 130mm, 74mm, and 71mm. I had never had any abnormal bleeding. My period was regular as clockwork, but I was having trouble passing stools, and my stomach was bloated, and you could feel this hard mass underneath. Initially, I thought it was cancer. But when they did a biopsy, it was clear. I was taking laxatives to go to the loo and had to take a lot for anything to happen. So I searched the web to try and find something that would shrink them naturally. Having read all the positive reviews, I decided to give this a shot. Thank God I did! Initially, I started with 2 pills in the morning and 2 at night as described at the start of February. I felt some dull aches in my stomach but no pain, like it was attacking the fibroids. I also started to get some rashes ,which I never had before. Literally in a few days overnight, this lump appeared near my left armpit, which felt sore and tender. I'm not sure what was happening to me, but it felt like toxics were trying to leave my body. My first toilet trip was big within a couple of days. And each day when I felt my tummy, it felt less firmer like it was slowly going down. I finished the 1st bottle and ordered another one. The itching was a problem though, but I used apple cidar vinegar on some cotton wool pad to rid myself of that. On using the 2nd bottle, I decided to reduce my intake to 1 pill in the morning, and 1 at night. My stomach has gone down significantly to the point that now, today, I can't feel anything like I felt before, and the itching has disappeared. The lump on my arm is almost gone as well! I'm super surprised and shocked that it feels like it really is working. My toilet trips are returning to normal. My next scan is booked in April 2023, so I will post an update. I highly recommend this product. I really believe these pills are doing something right, but I'll be 100% convinced when I have my next scan. So I had another scan on 17th November 2023. My biggest fibroid has shrunk from 130mm to 90mm!!!! The 2nd has shrunk from 74mm to 50mm!!! This is proof these capsules really work. I have been taking only 2 of them every morning since February. Even the sonographer was shocked how the fibroids are disappearing. And my bowel movements are near normal. This is an amazing product!